Contact Us:  765-307-4045

Call For a Free Estimate

765-307-4045 Call and tell us about your job and we'll give you a free estimate. Don't worry about cost—we'll work with you to get a quote that fits your budget.


At Classic Restorations by Jared in Crawfordsville, we want satisfied customers

Thank you for visiting our website. At Classic Restorations by Jared, it is the positive comments our customers make about us that we look forward to the most. We believe that the best thing we will hear about our company is that we are unique, creative, and innovative.

At Classic Restorations by Jared, you will be guaranteed quality restoration and auto repair.

We are extending our special on brake service that is guaranteed to beat our competitors' prices and adding $10 off oil change and tune up! Don't miss this great deal! Call today for a free quote!

Valid from 3/1/15 to 5/1/15.

Classic Restorations by Jared can answer your questions

We're a company that believes in offering our customers reliable and excellent customer service. If you're asking the question "How do I find really great automobile restoration and repair?" then we hope you consider doing business with Classic Restorations by Jared. We're a well-known company and hope you'll contact us soon.